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在Adobe最新发布的AIR1.0版本中,他们提供了向磁盘存储加密数据的API, flash.data.EncryptedLocalStore类,该类调用WINDOWS DPAI或者是MAC的KEYCHAIN来通过ByteArray数组来存储数据,很不幸的是,在Flex里面我们享受不到这项便利,在这一片教程里面我们会尝试着模拟这样的一个类来存储加密数据

我们要做的第一件事情就是到网络上去下载一个flex的加密库方便使用,这里使用的是Henri创建的AS3Crypto (http://crypto.hurlant.com),我推荐下载源代码版本,这样你就可以方便的调试并且能够了解整个加密进程是如何进行的。

在这个例子中(可以查看源代码)用户可以在应用程序向WEB SERVICE提请验证过程中,保存自己的用户名和密码,当然这两个数据的保护不是天衣无缝的,因为数据和随机生成的KEY是保存在一起的,至于如何将KEY模糊的放在服务器或者用户端,还是两者协商使得KEY的保护更加安全,在此就留作练习了。

FlexEncryptionExample1 example

下面我大概的讲述一下代码:我们有两个主要的方法,encryptedLoad() 和encryptedSave(). encryptedSave().产生随机的16位KEY然后使用AES-128算法对我们的用户名和密码进行破解,然后将数据保存到BYTE ARRAY


private function encryptedSave():void
var so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("encryptedStore");

var key:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var random:Random = new Random();
random.nextBytes(key, 16);

var cleartextBytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();

var aes:ICipher = Crypto.getCipher("aes-ecb", key, Crypto.getPad("pkcs5"));

//Note: 注意通常你出于安全考虑你不会这样做
// 当然前面提到了,这项工作就留作练习了
// security and/or obvuscation.
var dataToStore:ByteArray = new ByteArray();

so.data.ws_creds = dataToStore;




private function encryptedLoad():void
var so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("encryptedStore");

var dataToLoad:ByteArray = so.data.ws_creds;

var key:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
dataToLoad.readBytes(key, 0, 16);

var encryptedBytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();

var aes:ICipher = Crypto.getCipher("aes-ecb", key, Crypto.getPad("pkcs5"));

encryptedBytes.position = 0;

username.text = encryptedBytes.readUTF();
password.text = encryptedBytes.readUTF();


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Encryption in Flex Applications 1 - Simulate EncryptedLocalStore

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In the RIA world, Flex and AIR applications have really taken off. With that has come increased adoption by Fortune 500 companies and new enterprise-level apps taking advantage of the Adobe Flash platform. Application and data security should always be a concern of the Flex/AIR developer. The level of paranoia the developer should implement must be weighed against the goals of the project. For example, if you’re developing an open source or advertising-supported application intended for a wide public audience, you probably want to implement fairly minimal security measures in order to reach the widest audience and limit the amount of time you spend managing users in the system. On the other hand, if you’re being contracted to write a dashboard application for a large company or government for internal use, you’d probably want to implement security measures at the high-end of the spectrum.

In this series of three articles on the topic of Encryption in Flex Applications, we’ll first cover a basic data encryption and storage example in a Flex application. In article two, we’ll look at using an interface and doing some minimal encryption on a SWC file to protect an example commercial library we want to sell. In the final installment, we’ll take a look at using some of the features of NitroLM.com which is a commercial API for user registration, management, and entire application encryption.

In Adobe’s newly-released version of AIR 1.0, they provide an API for storing encrypted data to the hard drive. The flash.data.EncryptedLocalStore class uses the Windows DPAPI or KeyChain on MacOS to store and retrieve encrypted data as a ByteArray. Unfortunately, this capability isn’t available to us in a Flex application. In this example, I’ll demonstrate creating similar functionality by encrypting data stored in a local SharedObject.

The first thing we need is to download an encryption library to use in our Flex application. I’m using AS3Crypto (http://crypto.hurlant.com) created by Henri Torgemane. I recommend downloading the source code so you can debug easier and see how the encryption is working.

In this example (view-source enabled), the user can save a username and password between runs of the application to be used by a web service. It’s not totally secure since the randomly generated key is stored along with the encrypted data. I’ll leave it as an exercise for the reader to come up with clever ways to obfuscate the key or use alternative server-side repositories that are more secure.

FlexEncryptionExample1 example

Let’s walk through the code. We have two main methods, encryptedLoad() and encryptedSave(). encryptedSave() generates a random 16 byte key, and runs the AES-128 encryption algorithm on our username and password that we’ve packaged into a ByteArray.


private function encryptedSave():void
//create or retrieve the current shared object
var so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("encryptedStore");

//generate a random key
var key:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var random:Random = new Random();
random.nextBytes(key, 16);

//store our data to encrypt into a ByteArray
var cleartextBytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();

//encrypt using 128b AES encryption using a random key
var aes:ICipher = Crypto.getCipher("aes-ecb", key, Crypto.getPad("pkcs5"));

//store key along with the data to decrypt
//Note: normally you'd never do this for security reasons,
// but I'll leave it to the reader to handle additional
// security and/or obvuscation.
var dataToStore:ByteArray = new ByteArray();

//save the blob of encrypted stuff in the SharedObject
so.data.ws_creds = dataToStore;

//clear out the fields

encryptedLoad() reads in our key and uses it to decrypt the rest of the ByteArray. The values are then loaded into their respective form fields from the decrypted ByteArray.


private function encryptedLoad():void
//create or retrieve the current shared object
var so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("encryptedStore");

var dataToLoad:ByteArray = so.data.ws_creds;

//read in our key
var key:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
dataToLoad.readBytes(key, 0, 16);

//read in our encryptedText
var encryptedBytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();

//decrypt using 128b AES encryption
var aes:ICipher = Crypto.getCipher("aes-ecb", key, Crypto.getPad("pkcs5"));

encryptedBytes.position = 0;

username.text = encryptedBytes.readUTF();
password.text = encryptedBytes.readUTF();

Hopefully with this example, you can start to see some of the possibilities for encrypting your data using Adobe Flex/AIR.



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