  • 浏览: 6865489 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 上海






* A data point for interpolation and regression.
public class DataPoint
/** the x value */ public float x;
/** the y value */ public float y;

* Constructor.
* @param x the x value
* @param y the y value
public DataPoint(float x, float y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;


* A least-squares regression line function.

import java.util.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;

public class RegressionLine
//implements Evaluatable
/** sum of x */ private double sumX;
/** sum of y */ private double sumY;
/** sum of x*x */ private double sumXX;
/** sum of x*y */ private double sumXY;
/** sum of y*y */ private double sumYY;
/** sum of yi-y */ private double sumDeltaY;
/** sum of sumDeltaY^2 */ private double sumDeltaY2;
/**误差 */
private double sse;
private double sst;
private double E;
private String[] xy ;

private ArrayList listX ;
private ArrayList listY ;

private int XMin,XMax,YMin,YMax;

/** line coefficient a0 */ private float a0;
/** line coefficient a1 */ private float a1;

/** number of data points */ private int pn ;
/** true if coefficients valid */ private boolean coefsValid;

* Constructor.
public RegressionLine() {
XMax = 0;
YMax = 0;
pn = 0;
xy =new String[2];
listX = new ArrayList();
listY = new ArrayList();

* Constructor.
* @param data the array of data points
public RegressionLine(DataPoint data[])
pn = 0;
xy =new String[2];
listX = new ArrayList();
listY = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {

* Return the current number of data points.
* @return the count
public int getDataPointCount() { return pn; }

* Return the coefficient a0.
* @return the value of a0
public float getA0()
return a0;

* Return the coefficient a1.
* @return the value of a1
public float getA1()
return a1;

* Return the sum of the x values.
* @return the sum
public double getSumX() { return sumX; }

* Return the sum of the y values.
* @return the sum
public double getSumY() { return sumY; }

* Return the sum of the x*x values.
* @return the sum
public double getSumXX() { return sumXX; }

* Return the sum of the x*y values.
* @return the sum
public double getSumXY() { return sumXY; }

public double getSumYY() { return sumYY; }

public int getXMin() {
return XMin;

public int getXMax() {
return XMax;

public int getYMin() {
return YMin;

public int getYMax() {
return YMax;

* Add a new data point: Update the sums.
* @param dataPoint the new data point
public void addDataPoint(DataPoint dataPoint)
sumX += dataPoint.x;
sumY += dataPoint.y;
sumXX += dataPoint.x*dataPoint.x;
sumXY += dataPoint.x*dataPoint.y;
sumYY += dataPoint.y*dataPoint.y;

if(dataPoint.x > XMax){
XMax = (int)dataPoint.x;
if(dataPoint.y > YMax){
YMax = (int)dataPoint.y;


xy[0] = (int)dataPoint.x+ "";
xy[1] = (int)dataPoint.y+ "";
if(dataPoint.x!=0 && dataPoint.y != 0){

catch(Exception e){

System.out.println("N:" + n);
System.out.println("ArrayList listX:"+ listX.get(n));
System.out.println("ArrayList listY:"+ listY.get(n));
coefsValid = false;

* Return the value of the regression line function at x.
* (Implementation of Evaluatable.)
* @param x the value of x
* @return the value of the function at x
public float at(int x)
if (pn < 2) return Float.NaN;

return a0 + a1*x;

public float at(float x)
if (pn < 2) return Float.NaN;

return a0 + a1*x;

* Reset.
public void reset()
pn = 0;
sumX = sumY = sumXX = sumXY = 0;
coefsValid = false;

* Validate the coefficients.
* 计算方程系数 y=ax+b 中的a
private void validateCoefficients()
if (coefsValid) return;

if (pn >= 2) {
float xBar = (float) sumX/pn;
float yBar = (float) sumY/pn;

a1 = (float) ((pn*sumXY - sumX*sumY)
/(pn*sumXX - sumX*sumX));
a0 = (float) (yBar - a1*xBar);
else {
a0 = a1 = Float.NaN;

coefsValid = true;

* 返回误差
public double getR(){
for(int i = 0; i < pn -1; i++) {
float Yi= (float)Integer.parseInt(listY.get(i).toString());
float Y = at(Integer.parseInt(listX.get(i).toString()));
float deltaY = Yi - Y;
float deltaY2 = deltaY*deltaY;
System.out.println("Yi:" + Yi);
System.out.println("Y:" + Y);
System.out.println("deltaY:" + deltaY);
System.out.println("deltaY2:" + deltaY2);

sumDeltaY2 += deltaY2;
//System.out.println("sumDeltaY2:" + sumDeltaY2);


sst = sumYY - (sumY*sumY)/pn;
//System.out.println("sst:" + sst);
E =1- sumDeltaY2/sst;

return round(E,4) ;

public double round(double v,int scale){

throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The scale must be a positive integer or zero");

BigDecimal b = new BigDecimal(Double.toString(v));
BigDecimal one = new BigDecimal("1");
return b.divide(one,scale,BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue();


public float round(float v,int scale){

throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The scale must be a positive integer or zero");

BigDecimal b = new BigDecimal(Double.toString(v));
BigDecimal one = new BigDecimal("1");
return b.divide(one,scale,BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).floatValue();




* <p><b>Linear Regression</b>
* <br>
* Demonstrate linear regression by constructing the regression line for a set
* of data points.
* <p>require DataPoint.java,RegressionLine.java
* <p>为了计算对于给定数据点的最小方差回线,需要计算SumX,SumY,SumXX,SumXY; (注:SumXX = Sum (X^2))
* <p><b>回归直线方程如下: f(x)=a1x+a0 </b>
* <p><b>斜率和截距的计算公式如下:</b>
* <br>n: 数据点个数
* <p>a1=(n(SumXY)-SumX*SumY)/(n*SumXX-(SumX)^2)
* <br>a0=(SumY - SumY * a1)/n
* <br>(也可表达为a0=averageY-a1*averageX)
* <p><b>画线的原理:两点成一直线,只要能确定两个点即可</b><br>
* 第一点:(0,a0) 再随意取一个x1值代入方程,取得y1,连结(0,a0)和(x1,y1)两点即可。
* 为了让线穿过整个图,x1可以取横坐标的最大值Xmax,即两点为(0,a0),(Xmax,Y)。如果y=a1*Xmax+a0,y大于
* 纵坐标最大值Ymax,则不用这个点。改用y取最大值Ymax,算得此时x的值,使用(X,Ymax), 即两点为(0,a0),(X,Ymax)
* <p><b>拟合度计算:(即Excel中的R^2)</b>
* <p> *R2 = 1 - E
* <p>误差E的计算:E = SSE/SST
* <p>SSE=sum((Yi-Y)^2) SST=sumYY - (sumY*sumY)/n;
* <p>
public class LinearRegression
private static final int MAX_POINTS = 10;
private double E;

* Main program.
* @param args
* the array of runtime arguments
public static void main(String args[])
RegressionLine line = new RegressionLine();

line.addDataPoint(new DataPoint(20, 136));
line.addDataPoint(new DataPoint(40, 143));
line.addDataPoint(new DataPoint(60, 152));
line.addDataPoint(new DataPoint(80, 162));
line.addDataPoint(new DataPoint(100, 167));


* Print the computed sums.
* @param line
* the regression line
private static void printSums(RegressionLine line)
System.out.println("\n数据点个数 n = " + line.getDataPointCount());
System.out.println("\nSum x = " + line.getSumX());
System.out.println("Sum y = " + line.getSumY());
System.out.println("Sum xx = " + line.getSumXX());
System.out.println("Sum xy = " + line.getSumXY());
System.out.println("Sum yy = " + line.getSumYY());


* Print the regression line function.
* @param line
* the regression line
private static void printLine(RegressionLine line)
System.out.println("\n回归线公式: y = " +
line.getA1() +
"x + " + line.getA0());
System.out.println("拟合度: R^2 = " + line.getR());




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